Sell Gift Cards for

CardHorse is the fastest gift card trading
platform in the world.


Safe and Secure


The rates above
market prices


Respond speed


Payment speed




Live support

* The data is based on the latest 100K orders

50k+ users love our platform.
Olamide Joshua

CardHorse always delivers at the best value, i have traded gift cards worth over $3,000 and they have been excellent.…

Martins Obi

When it comes to quick and Safe trades, i always use king cards…

Prince J Val

Received great customer service in trading my gift cards with them. I would totally recommend to anyone who wants great...…

Olamide Joshua

CardHorse always delivers at the best value, i have traded gift cards worth over $3,000 and they have been excellent.…

Olamide Joshua

CardHorse always delivers at the best value, i have traded gift cards worth over $3,000 and they have been excellent.…

Olamide Joshua

CardHorse always delivers at the best value, i have traded gift cards worth over $3,000 and they have been excellent.…

Gift cards we buy

We buy more than 24 kind of gift cards, include Apple gift card, Steam gift card, Google Play gift card, Razor gold gift card, American Express gift card.We offer the best gift card rates above average market prices, which are auto-updated at par with Chinese rates.

Why choose us

Why choose us
Safe and Secure
Trading with us is 120% secure and safe. We don't send your cards to third party. No Ripping. No Delay. No Scam.
Fast Transactions
Respond speed
Smooth trading you have never experienced. We can respond in 60 seconds, complete the transaction and payment in minutes.
High Rates
Friendly rates
We offer the best gift card rates above average market prices, which are auto-updated at par with Chinese rates.
Instant Payment
Almost instant
Immediate and zero-fee withdrawals. Our payment system is instant. You get your money instantly when you sell your gift cards.
Easy To Use
Usability score
Thanks to our friendly user interface design, our platform can be easily used even by three-year-old children. You can sell gift cards for Naira at anytime, anywhere.
24/7 Live Support
Always available
24 hours
Our determined support team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We will response you through in-app live chat or whatspp in 60s at anytime.
Download CardHorse App
CardHorse is one of Nigeria's leading gift card exchanger serving over 50,000 customers with 5 star trading experience.…